Facebook Blockchain Technology Startup

facebook blockchain technology

As per some dependent news sources, Facebook going to build its own blockchain network. Facebook blockchain technology startup for a cryptocurrency. They are starting digital currency with their own blockchain platform. Facebook plans to enter the crypto business. According to the Bloomberg News source. Facebook the world popular social media site going to develop a … Read more

What is Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)?

Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

The Blockchain is the backbone of all cryptocurrencies. And now it is growing too fast throughout the world. Hence, there are many applications or projects that run blockchain or solve human problems. As a crypto enthusiast, you may have come across concepts like smart contracts and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). But, smartness shows if you … Read more

What is Blockchain?

What is Blockchain

What is Blockchain? The blockchain is undoubtedly an ingenious invention regarding the modern digital world. The world is now becoming more virtual than physical. All sorts of transactions are going through the digital way. So, why not the currency should not be digital? Read the article to know What is Blockchain? And how does it … Read more