How do bitcoin exchange in Bangladesh

Before starting this Bitcoin exchange guideline article in Bangladesh you need to know local law. Moreover, I recommend reading this article Bitcoin Bangladesh. Because still Bitcoin trade, exchange, use buy and sell illegally in this country. Now the topic is Bitcoin exchange in Bangladesh But many people and freelancers are using Cryptocurrency for different purposes. However, in this article, I am going to explain to you how to exchange Bitcoin in Bangladesh. Moreover, anyone can exchange Bitcoin with BDT using their bKash, Rocket, Skrill, and other alternative payment method. And here are the tips for Bitcoin exchange in Bangladesh.

What is Bitcoin?

What is Bitcoin
What is Bitcoin

Bitcoin is decentralized peer-to-peer electronic cash. An unknown person Satoshi Nakamoto invented this Cryptocurrency in 2019. In a short description, Bitcoin is an open-source, anonymous, mutable distributed ledger system.

Using blockchain technology anyone can transfer currency to any part of the world within a short time. As a result, it is better than any banking system where a traditional bank takes more time and imposes transaction fees. There have some Bitcoin exchanges in Bangladesh. And here are the tips for Bitcoin exchange in Bangladesh.

How To Bitcoin Exchange In Bangladesh?

As you know you can create an online Bitcoin wallet and the ability to store multi Crypto coins in your wallet. So simply buy Bitcoin from any reputable Cryptocurrency exchange and directly send it to your personal online wallet. Many people want to know 1 Bitcoin Price In Bangladesh.

You can’t pay with your Bank account to buy Bitcoin directly. But in locally supported exchanges like Localbitcoin and Paxful person-to-person BTC buy and sell can be an option. Though, personally, I do not recommend this procedure.

I can recommend checking the Spectrocoin exchange which is a much Bangladesh Bitcoin-friendly brokerage. Here you have different payment options to buy, sell, and store funds.

Still, if you are curious to know a step-by-step guide then read this article How To Buy Bitcoin In Bangladesh?

Online Crypto Exchange And Wallet in Bangladesh

Most of the top Cryptocurrency exchange allows Bangladeshi people to create and use their wallet. Basically, you need KYC verification. After verification, your Bitcoin and other Crypto exchange limit will increase. USD and Bitcoin are the exchanging and trading pairs. So you need to have USD then you can buy and sell Bitcoin. For example, below is a list which is the top Cryptocurrency exchange platform.

Crypto Exchange
Crypto Exchange
  2. Coinbase
  3. Binance
  4. Kucoin
  5. Bittrex
  6. Bifinex
  7. Polonix

On the other hand, few Bitcoin exchanges are not allowed Bangladeshi people to exchange their platform. Moreover, they now allow directives to create an account and trade using their exchange platform. Check the list below in which Bitcoin exchange is not allowed in Bangladesh to exchange Bitcoin.

Choosing a Reliable Bitcoin Exchange in Bangladesh

When selecting a Bitcoin exchange in Bangladesh, consider factors such as security, reputation, fees, supported payment methods, user interface, and customer support. Some popular exchanges in Bangladesh include XYZ Exchange, ABC Exchange, and PQR Exchange. Research each platform and read user reviews to make an informed decision.

Securing Your Bitcoin Wallet

Once you have created an account and completed the verification process, it’s crucial to secure your Bitcoin wallet. A Bitcoin wallet is a digital wallet that allows you to store, send, and receive Bitcoin securely. Enable two-factor authentication, use a strong and unique password, and consider using a hardware wallet for enhanced security. Here are the tips for Bitcoin exchange in Bangladesh.

Placing a Trade Order

Once your funds are deposited, you can place a trade order on the exchange. Exchanges typically offer different order types, such as market orders, limit orders, and stop-loss orders. A market order allows you to buy or sell Bitcoin at the current market price, while a limit order allows you to set a specific price at which you want to buy or sell Bitcoin. Choose the order type that aligns and here are the tips for Bitcoin exchange in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh-friendly Crypto exchange

Many Cryptocurrency brokerages are offering to exchange, buy and sell Bitcoin through their platform. Moreover, they are providing an advantage for the Bangladeshi people to exchange directly using the different payment options.

Bangladesh’s laws and regulations always do not favor random payment methods for online transactions. As a result payment method is an important issue. So multi-payment option is a great opportunity for Bangladeshi users.

However, here is a list of Bangladesh-friendly Cryptocurrency exchanges.

Exchange, Trading, And Buy Sell In Bangladesh

Many Bangladeshi websites offer dollar buy and sell. Moreover, they offer to withdraw money to Rocket, bikes, and DBBL. As I check, I think most of those are finally scams. Once upon a time they close the site and go off with customer-valuable BTC or deposit money. I can give you some web links, but I do not recommend exchanging them there. bitcoin exchange in Bangladesh

Local BD online dollar exchange

On this list, all exchanges operate from Bangladesh. We are not affiliated here so be careful about any type of exchange fraud. As per their description user can buy, sell and exchange multi-currency. Local bitcoin exchange in Bangladesh

Online dollar exchange policy of Bangladesh

Not only Bitcoin but also all types of online transactions are illegal outside of Bangladesh Bank. If you want to trade, business, and exchange then you first need to know Bitcoin Bangladesh Bank policy. Already Bangladesh’s bank announces any type of Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin transaction is punishable.

First warning

In 2014 first Bangladesh bank was “warned” to use Bitcoin in this country. This warning includes caution as their brief to use any type of artificial currency in case Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947. Moreover, it is the cause of the Money Laundering Prevention Act, of 2012.

Additionally, the central bank says any type of Cryptocurrency transaction is not legal and not approved by any central payment processor. Moreover, this type of Internet money transaction is not authorized.

Second warning

With the recent popularity of Bitcoin and other alternative Cryptocurrencies Bangladesh Bank issued a second warning to use it. In this “Cautionary Notice” on there on December 24, 2017, they reiterate the first warning and include the Anti-Terrorism Act, 2009 as another law.


A cryptocurrency exchange in Bangladesh is not legal after the evidence of central bank caution. But it is an open secret that many people exchange, trade, buy and sell Bitcoin in Bangladesh. So if you want to get benefited from Bitcoin and have an honest intention to use it, then you can do it in many alternative ways.

People from Bangladesh are earning in different ways. For an instant, Bitcoin mining in Bangladesh, trading, outsourcing, etc. Read more articles on a Bitcoin exchange in Bangladesh. bitcoin exchange in Bangladesh

Ensuring Security and Privacy

To protect your Bitcoin and personal information, follow these best practices:

  • Use strong and unique passwords for your exchange account and wallet.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for an additional layer of security.
  • Be cautious of phishing attempts and only access your exchange account through official channels.
  • Regularly update your software and use reputable antivirus/anti-malware programs.
  • Keep your private keys offline and secure them in a safe location.
  • Avoid sharing sensitive information or discussing your holdings publicly.

Bitcoin Exchanges vs. Peer-to-Peer Trading

While Bitcoin exchanges provide a convenient and centralized platform for trading, some individuals prefer peer-to-peer (P2P) trading for its decentralized nature. P2P platforms connect buyers and sellers directly, allowing for greater privacy and potentially lower fees. Research P2P trading platforms and understand the associated risks and benefits before engaging in such transactions. And here are the tips for Bitcoin exchange in Bangladesh.

Common Challenges and Troubleshooting Tips

Exchanging Bitcoin in Bangladesh may come with certain challenges. Here are some common issues and troubleshooting tips:

  • Delayed transactions: Verify that you have provided the correct recipient address and check the blockchain for transaction confirmations.
  • Account security concerns: Regularly update your passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and be cautious of phishing attempts.
  • Lack of liquidity: If you’re having difficulty finding suitable trading partners, consider using multiple exchanges or exploring P2P trading platforms. bitcoin exchange in Bangladesh

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